chicago, ILLINOIS
The Driehaus Museum
2008 City of Chicago, Commission on Chicago Landmarks
Chicago Landmark Award for Preservation Excellence
A comprehensive interior and exterior restoration effort has converted the Nickerson Mansion into a public museum and art gallery for the Driehaus Collection and renovated the Murphy Memorial Auditorium as a public lecture and events hall.
A laser cleaning methodology removed decades of pollution from the Mansion's masonry facade. Missing and deteriorated elements of the masonry facade and a carved stone fence were restored. State-of-the-art building systems provide an interior environment to house the museum objects and to condition the Auditorium's spaces. The upgrades include all new mechanical systems, new electrical distribution, a new service elevator, fire and life safety upgrades, and a new coat check and bathroom facilities for the Auditorium. The updated building systems were carefully planned and executed to provide discreet installations with minimal impact on the historic materials.
224 West Huron Street,
Suite 7E
Chicago, Illinois 60654
phone: 312.266.1126
1144 3rd Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
phone: 202.540.1144
9724 Washington Boulevard, Suite 200
Culver City, California 90232
phone: 310.237.0600
310 Comal Street, 2nd Floor
Austin, Texas 78702
phone: 312.266.1126
1 West Seneca Street
Suite 2957
Buffalo, New York 14203
phone: 716.427.0733
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