chicago, ILLINOIS
2002 Urban Land Institute
Award for Excellence: Small-Scale Rehabilitation
2001 National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Preservation Honor Award
2000 City of Chicago, Commission of chicago landmarks
Chicago Landmark Award for Preservation Excellence
2000 American Institute of Architects
Distinguished Building Citation of Merit and Interior Architecture Honor Award
2000 Landmarks Preservation Council of Illinois
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award, Preservation Project of the Year
The Reliance Building, designed by John Welborn Root and Charles B. Atwood of D.H. Burnham & Company, and constructed in 1895, is recognized as the precursor of the modern glass and steel high-rise buildings. The Reliance Building is a National Historic Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Antunovich Associates collaborated with McCaffery on converting this former Office Building into a boutique Hotel. Phase one included restoring the terra-cotta exterior and replacing the historic cornice and windows above the first floor. The second phase included reconstructing the elegant first-floor storefront, rehabilitating the ornate first-floor elevator lobby and stairs, and restoring the elevator lobby and corridors on four upper-level floors.
224 West Huron Street,
Suite 7E
Chicago, Illinois 60654
phone: 312.266.1126
1144 3rd Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
phone: 202.540.1144
9724 Washington Boulevard, Suite 200
Culver City, California 90232
phone: 310.237.0600
310 Comal Street, 2nd Floor
Austin, Texas 78702
phone: 312.266.1126
1 West Seneca Street
Suite 2957
Buffalo, New York 14203
phone: 716.427.0733
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